Fault Information

Fault Code Description
Plausibility check of charging pressure with ambient pressure. The fault is detected if the difference between the charging pressure and the ambient pressure exceeds a limit value.
Limit value: Between 300 mbar and 430 mbar (version-dependent).
Fault Code Conditions
General Conditions Monitoring takes place when the following preconditions are met:
- No electrical fault is stored for the ambient pressure sensor and charging pressure sensor.
- The engine speed is below the following value: 750 rpm.
Control unit voltage: 9.5 V to 16 V.
Terminal Condition PWF status: Driving

Terminal Condition PWF status: Testing-analysis-diagnosis

Terminal Condition PWF status: Residing

Driving Conditions
Fault Time Condition
The fault is entered if it is present for longer than the following period (debounce time): 10000 ms
Service Plan
1. Check the plausibility of the measured values of both sensors.
2. Check line and plug connections
3. Check the voltage supply of the sensors (contact resistances falsify the measured value).
4. Continue troubleshooting at the sensor with the implausible measured values.
Fault Impact
Warning Lights None
Control Center Messages
Service Notes
Check the plug connections, lines and voltage supply of the charging pressure sensor. Contact resistors can falsify the charging pressure value.