Fault Information

Fault Code Description
The fault is detected when the nitrogen oxide sensor before the SCR catalytic converter does not transmit values within a predefined time.
Fault Code Conditions
General Conditions - The engine control unit must be in after-run.
- The nitrogen oxide sensor must be enabled.
- The exhaust temperature must be between a lower and upper limit value:
Lower limit value: Between 49.96°C and 109.96°C (depending on the version).
Upper limit value: 499,96 deg C
Control unit voltage: 9.5 V to 16 V.
Terminal Condition

Driving Conditions
Fault Time Condition
The fault is entered if it has been detected more than the following number of times (fault debouncing counter): 1
Service Plan
Install the correct nitrogen oxide sensor variant upstream of the SCR catalytic converter.
Fault Impact
Warning Lights None
Control Center Messages
Service Notes
If the nitrogen oxide sensor upstream of the SCR catalytic converter is replaced, the following service function must be carried out: SCR system adjustments and adaptations, SCR exhaust emission sensor system.